Applied Technology - Elective Workshops
Exploring the use of a relay circuit board arrow_drop_down
During this workshop, participants further developed their understanding of the use of the sensor circuit board that they received during their 2022/2023 cluster CPD day. In particular, this workshop focused on how a secondary relay circuit can be used in conjunction with the senor circuit board to control a motor with limit switches. Below are the PowerPoint presentation and Learning Log used by teachers during the workshop.
Webinars arrow_drop_down
Supporting the student design journey through model making and sketching
During this webinar, we explored ways to support students across all four Junior Cycle Technology subjects in communicating and developing their design ideas through sketching and modelmaking. The guests on the evening were Orla McKeever from the Cork Centre for Architectural Education and Fiona Byrne from The Big Idea. We also visited a school to see students engaging in a design challenge and using some of the strategies that were discussed.
Below you can see a recording of the webinar, a video of the student design challenge and a link to download the resources associated with the design challenge. These may act as a stimulus to explore these approaches further in your classroom.
File type: YouTubeClick image to playExploring how elements of a design journey come to life in Applied Technology
During this webinar, attendees considered the different strategies used by three teachers to support students as they engage with different elements of a design process in their own school context. The three teachers focused on three Junior Cycle Key Skills – Communicating, Being Creative and Managing Information and Thinking
File type: YouTubeClick image to playExploring teaching and learning at the start of an academic year in Applied Technology
During this webinar, teachers listened to how two teachers in different schools approach teaching and learning in Applied Technology at the start of an academic year. There was also a focus during the webinar for teachers to then consider opportunities to enhance teaching and learning in their own school context.
File type: YouTubeClick image to playExploring Learning Environments in Applied Technology
During this webinar, two teachers discuss how they have created and use the learning environments to support student learning in their school context.
Developing Project Management Skills
Exploring the Application of Controlled Systems in a Local Context
File type: YouTubeClick image to playWhere To Start When Exploring A Design Task In The Applied Technology Classroom Webinar
File type: YouTubeClick image to playEngaging with the Applied Technology Specification Webinar
Linking Level 2 Learning Programmes and the Technology Subjects
File type: YouTubeClick image to play -
Exploring Laser Cutting in the Technologies subjects arrow_drop_down
In April and May 2022, a collaboration between ATU Connemara and Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT) took place which explored effective use of Laser cutters/engravers in the suite of Technology subjects. Throughout the live events, a number of topics were explored with teachers. Below, you will find some recorded videos which capture the essence of the type of material explored during these events.
Note 1: It is important to remember at all times to follow the user manual for any equipment and/or software associated with a Laser cutter/engraver.
Note 2: It is important to note that schools do not need to possess a laser cutter in order for the curriculum to be experienced by their students. There are many other ways in which the Junior Cycle curriculum and the Key Skills can be experienced by students.
Workshop 1
The recordings below explore the following areas:
Video 1 – CorelDRAW introduction, inserting text and text adjustments, increasing image quality
Video 2 – Raster and vector engraving, screen to machine introduction, power and speed settings
Video 3 – General maintenance and troubleshooting
File type: YouTubeClick image to playFile type: YouTubeClick image to playWorkshop 2
The recordings below explore the following areas:
Video 1 – Opening AutoCAD and basic settings
Video 2 – Creating Geometry in AutoCAD
Video 3 – Creating layers within AutoCAD for laser cutting
Video 4 – Importing freehand sketches to AutoCAD
Video 5 - Importing models from Solidworks to AutoCAD
Problem Solving Through Coding arrow_drop_down
SLAR Facilitation Workshop Resources arrow_drop_down
This workshop was designed to support SLAR facilitators of all subjects. The aim of this workshop is to up-skill teacher's facilitation skills, to understand fundamentals of the SLAR process and to aid them in preparing, implementing and reflecting on the SLAR process.