General Supports arrow_drop_down
Initial information
This section contains some initial resources such as leaflets, presentations, and videos which may help you in getting to know the new specification
Flag Stickers
This section contains the flag stickers we use as name tags during our CPD days. They were printed onto stickers of 3.81cm height.and 6.4cm width.
Tasks arrow_drop_down
This resource will support the use of tasks to support student learning in junior cycle Modern Foreign Languages.
Podcasts arrow_drop_down
MFL Shoptalk
MFL Shoptalk is a Junior Cycle Talks Podcast Series for teachers of modern foreign languages. This series captures conversations with MFL teachers discussing the challenges they face in the current context of a physically distanced MFL classroom and the solutions they have found for their particular context.
Episode 1 Student Engagement
In this episode of MFL Shoptalk Libby and Eileen caught up with MFL teachers to discuss how they support student engagement in the physically distanced MFL classroom.
Episode 2: Oral Communication
In this episode Eileen and Libby asked MFL teachers to discuss the challenges they are facing in supporting oral communication in the physically distanced MFL classroom and what strategies have helped them and their students to overcome these challenges.
Oral Communication arrow_drop_down
Chatterbox is an interactive booklet containing strategies and tools for supporting oral communication in the physically distanced junior cycle MFL classroom.
This interactive poster supports the development of spoken production and spoken interaction in the Modern Foreign Languages classroom.
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) arrow_drop_down
This resource has been developed to further support teachers in exploring the links between the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and the Junior Cycle Framework, as well as the connections between the CEFR and the Specification for Junior Cycle Modern Foreign Languages (MFL).
Portfolio Supports arrow_drop_down
The student language portfolio will include a broad range of items, such as written texts, projects, audio-visual materials, learning logs, student reflections and learning goals. It is recognised that in this context the student’s created texts may be presented in different formats—handwritten, digital, multi-modal, and so on. Students learn a lot from the process of language acquisition when they are taught how to use a portfolio to document and reflect on their learning. They need to develop confidence in interaction and an awareness of the process of language acquisition. (Junior Cycle Modern Foreign Languages: Curriculum Specification, 2016)
This section of our website aims to support teachers in using a language portfolio in the MFL classroom.
Digital Tools in the MFL Classroom - Tutorials arrow_drop_down
Games in the MFL Classroom arrow_drop_down
This section contains supports which you may find useful for the design and use of games in the MFL classroom. The templates have been created as Word Documents so that you and/or your students can edit them and create their own language games. Please download the editable documents to a Microsoft laptop or desktop. They may not display properly as Google Docs or when opened from MacBooks but will download correclty as Microsoft Word documents. If you require assistance please email us at
Useful Websites and Research Links arrow_drop_down
Teacher Professional Networks
The CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)
This section provides links to a number of websites and documents related to the CEFR.
Interview with Professor David Little arrow_drop_down
Interview with Professor David Little
In this interview Professor Little shares his perspective on a number of topics. Below you will find the interview in nine parts. Each video clip is followed by a prompt for discussion / reflection. This resource is intended to be used as a prompt for discussion and/or individual reflection on language learning and teaching.
File type: YouTubeClick image to playFile type: YouTubeClick image to play -
Sample Units of Learning arrow_drop_down
Supporting Classroom Interactions
This section contains a number of sample learning units which were used during previous CPD events. Each unit was planned with First-year students in mind and includes a "Learning Unit Plan" as well as a number of suggested resources. The planning template and resources are not prescriptive and can be adapted to suit your context. You will find further planning support here.
Sample Unit of Learning "Let's Eat"
This Learning Unit is designed for First Year students and aims to develop students' capacity to apply their language learning to date to creative activities such as producing poems/ songs and/or drama. The materials are suggestions and can be adapted to suit your individual context and students' needs.
Sample Unit of Learning "House Descriptions"
This unit of learning is designed for First-year students who have been exposed to the target language ( TL) for a number of months. It aims to develop their oral production and oral interaction skills. It is intended as a suggestion and can be adapted to your individual context and students' needs.
Cultural Calendars arrow_drop_down
This resource aims to further support integration of the three strands when planning learning experiences. It aims to explore a selection of cultural events, traditions and customs that occur during the year.
For each language, follow the link to explore the resource and discover an exciting range of events, songs, and clips to assist when planning for your students’ learning.
Europe Day 2022 arrow_drop_down
Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs) arrow_drop_down
This section contains resources to support you when engaging with Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs) in the Modern Foreign Languages classroom.