
CPD Workshops 2020/2021

Below are the materials and associated supports and resources for the 2020/2021 Subject CPD day.

A video guide provides an overview of the content, messages and discussion points, at the beginning of this section.

File type: YouTube
Click image to play
Booklet & Resources Padlet

Teachers may wish to print or download the accompanying booklet prior to engaging with the CPD. Two versions of the booklet have been made available in this section.


For a hard copy of the booklet it is advisable to print the PDF version of the booklet.


For a digital copy of the booklet it is advisable to download the Word version of the booklet.

Morning Session

The morning session examines assessment items through the lens of action verbs and learning outcomes. Teachers will also be asked to consider how they would use a selection of assessment items formatively and summatively in a classroom context.

Prior to opening the Morning Session Presentation it may be useful to open the Resource Padlet. This can be done by clicking on the 'Click to view' button.

The resources can be viewed or downloaded directly from the Padlet.

File type: YouTube
Click image to play
Mid-Morning Session

The Mid-Morning session considers one teachers' approach to integrating assessment, teaching and learning. The session also outlines how CODAP may be used to engage with real-life data.

To find out more about CODAP you can visit the resources section of our website.

Prior to opening the Mid-Morning Session Presentation it may be useful to open the Resource Padlet. This can be done by clicking on the 'Click to view' button.

The resources can be viewed or downloaded directly from the Padlet.

File type: YouTube
Click image to play
File type: YouTube
Click image to play
Classroom Based Assessment

In this section you will find self-guided CPD materials and resources that support teachers whose students are engaging with Classroom-Based Assessment.

Open each resource by using the 'Click to view' button and follow the guidelines to engage with the material provided.

Options for the Afternoon Session

For the afternoon session of the online CPD event, teachers will have time to engage with one of the following options:


Question Posing and Problem Formulation

Level Two Learning Programmes and Inclusive Education

Planning for Teaching, Learning and Assessment


Each option is designed for use by teachers individually or as a subject department. Teachers can return to this page at any time to access all of the options and their associated resources.

Click on each title bar to view resources.

  • Question Posing and Problem Formulation arrow_drop_down

    Supporting Students in Developing their Ability to Pose Questions and Formulate Problems in Junior Cycle Mathematics is a self-guided interactive piece of CPD. This CPD has been designed to give junior cycle mathematics teachers the opportunity to consider how they can enable students to develop their question posing and problem formulation abilities.

    The anticipated time to complete this CPD is 45 minutes.

    Two versions of the booklet have been made available for this option.

    For a hard copy of the booklet it is advisable to print the PDF version of the booklet.

    For a digital copy of the booklet it is advisable to download the Word version of the booklet.

    This resource has three sections.

    The first section considers the benefits of integrating question posing and problem formulation into pedagogical practice.

    The second section looks for teachers to engage with classroom strategies for developing students' ability to pose mathematical problems and questions.

    The third section considers ways to support students when defining problem statements as part of Mathematical Investigation (CBA 1).

    To access each section from this page use the 'Click to view' button.

    At the end of each section there is a hyperlink which opens the next section from within the form as an alternative to returning to this page.

  • L2LPs and Inclusive Education in Junior Cycle Mathematics - Interactive Resource arrow_drop_down

    Welcome to this self-directed CPD on Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs) and Inclusive Education for Junior Cycle Mathematics. 

    This resource has four sections. The first section provides an opportunity for you to consider some inclusive practices you have used to make the curriculum more accessible to students with special educational needs and to learn about the structure and features of L2LPs.

    Section two looks at some of the commonly asked questions that arise in relation to L2LPs through an interactive quiz.

    Section three provides an opportunity to examine a unit of learning designed for an inclusive approach to the incorporation of learning outcomes from both Level 2 PLUs and the Level 3 Mathematics Specification, and to examine a statistics task aligned to the key learning, ongoing assessment and evidence of learning outlines in the unit.

    In section four the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) are introduces and further resources on UDL are detailed.

    The approximate time for completing all four sections in this self-directed CPD is 45 minutes. 

    No personal data or answers are being recorded or collected by Junior Cycle for Teachers. 

    Before you begin please open or download the booklet which accompanies this self-directed CPD.

    Unit of Learning Resources

    The resources below are featured in Section three of the self-directed CPD L2LPs and Inclusive Education in Junior Cycle Mathematics.

    These resources offer an opportunity examine a unit of learning which incorporates learning outcomes for both Level 2 and Level 3 programmes and to examine a statistics task aligned to the key learning, ongoing assessment and evidence of learning outlines in the unit.

    The task featured here has been adapted with the kind permission of the JCT L1LPs/L2LPs Team.

    Further Resources

    The resources found here are the resources featured in Section four of the self-directed CPD ' L2LPs and Inclusive Education in Junior Cycle Mathematics'.

    The L2LPs PLU Assessment is a downloadable spreadsheet. Further resources for L2LPs can be found here.

  • Planning Interactive Resource arrow_drop_down

    This self-guided interactive CPD is entitled Planning for Teaching, Learning and Assessment. It will give you the opportunity to consider how your school's plan can enable students to experience mathematics as a connected body of ideas.

    It can be used individually or as a subject department. The approaches, ideas and concepts presented are not intended to be definitive, and teachers could well form a different set of ideas or try alternative approaches. They may be useful to think about when considering your school's approach to planning.

    The anticipated time to complete the core part of this interactive CPD is 1 hour and 30 minutes.

    Planning Interactive Booklet
    Math Connections Video

    This resource is a downloadable Word document which you will need to engage with this self-guided CPD Planning for Teaching, Learning and Assessment.

    Use the 'Click to view or download' button to access your own copy of this resource.

    The core parts of this document are:

    • Exploring Concepts and Ideas in Junior Cycle Mathematics
    • Planning with Concepts and Ideas in Junior Cycle Mathematics
    • Planning - Next Steps for Our Department

    The video found here is from Youcubed at Stanford. Their main goal is to inspire, educate and empower teachers of mathematics, transforming the latest research on math learning into accessible and practical forms.

    This video is featured as part of the Concepts and Connections portion of the interactive booklet of this self-guided CPD.

    File type: YouTube
    Click image to play
    Year Plan Template with Prompts
    Units of Learning with Prompts

    The template found here can be used to map out an overview of first-year maths in your school.

    There are prompt questions included which can be used to support consideration and discussion of plans as they are developed. These prompt questions may also support the ongoing review of plans.

    The resource found here may be useful when creating or reviewing Units of Learning.

    There are prompt questions included which can be used to support consideration and discussion of plans as they are developed. These prompt questions may also support the ongoing review of units of learning.