Visual Art

CPD Workshops 2020/2021

You’re very welcome to this brief Guide to the materials for the Visual Art CPD Day 2020/2021. This Guide is intended to provide an overview of the content, messages and discussion points of the CPD materials as you engage with them as an individual, a group of teachers or as a Subject Department. The materials will be helpful for teachers who may not have been able to attend the workshop in Visual Art on their cluster CPD day 2020/2021, for newly qualified teachers or for teachers teaching Visual Art for the first time in Junior Cycle. The materials will also be of interest to teachers who attended the CPD workshop in their cluster day 2020/2021 and who would like to revisit the materials.


File type: YouTube
Click image to play

You might like to familiarise yourself with the schedule that we used on the day. This is available in two formats:

•                Workshop Schedule Padlet

•                Workshop Timeline Interactive PDF

While the workshop ran over three sessions on the cluster day, we have divided that into four shorter sections for you to engage with online. We have included an overview with each set of materials, indicating the core content of the PowerPoints, videos or other materials. Each overview will help you to discern what the section entails or what section you would like to revisit in the time you have available.


Session 1 - Presentation and Resources

During session 1, you will have the opportunity to engage with some examples of Visual Culture. The Padlet shared to the right provides links to the resources. It may be of benefit to consider the questions posed in this section with a colleague.

Session 2 - Presentation and Resources

In session 2, you will have the opportunity to experience a creative activity. Please have your choice of drawing materials to hand. We have prepared an accompanying question prompt sheet to support you.


Session 3 - Presentation and Resources

During session 3, you will explore a range of stimuli that may be used at Junior Cycle to motivate students in their learning. You will be invited to consider factors that may inform your choice of stimuli. You will also have an opportunity to reflect on the Learning Outcomes that were explored throughout the workshop to deepen understanding.


Session 4 - Presentation and Resources

During this final session, you will explore and apply a range of tools and strategies to support creative thinking. The Padlet shared to the right provides links to four different resources that aim to support the development of work in the classroom.   


Visual Art CPD Workshop 2020 - 2021
File type: YouTube
Click image to play
File type: YouTube
Click image to play
File type: YouTube
Click image to play
Tools and Strategies
File type: YouTube
Click image to play
File type: YouTube
Click image to play